Heart Healthy . . . at Work


Heart disease and stroke are not only leading causes of death and disability in the United States – they’re also the most expensive medical conditions for businesses. When poor health prevents employees from coming to work, everyone, from the employee to the customer to the local economy, suffers.  

Keeping employees healthy isn’t just a win-win; it’s a win-win-win. Workers benefit from better quality of life, employers benefit from lower health care costs and increased productivity, and the community benefits from a thriving, engaged workforce. 

Cascade Occupational Health partners with employers to address conditions like heart disease before they become a problem. As the provider of choice for more than 3,000 Lane County businesses, our Occupational Health program is dedicated to helping Eugene and Springfield area employers keep their employees working, safely and in good health.  

Our heart-healthy offerings include: 

  • Biometric screening. Taking care of your heart starts with knowing your numbers: blood pressure, cholesterol and more. Identifying health risks early gives workers an opportunity to address concerns before they develop into full-blown conditions. 

  • Wellness education. Stress management, nutritious eating and healthy sleep habits all contribute to a strong heart and a healthy body.  

  • Diabetes & nutrition education. People with diabetes are twice as likely as those without diabetes to develop heart disease. Our certified diabetes and nutrition educators provide health coaching to help employees identify prediabetes and make lifestyle changes to prevent type 2 diabetes, as well as self-management strategies for employees who are already diabetic. 

  • EAP. Cascade Health’s Employee Assistance Program helps companies promote wellness – including heart-healthy stress reduction. Employees who utilize EAP counseling may also be more engaged in work, miss fewer days and report greater life satisfaction than those who don’t. 

Share these tips from our workplace health experts with your employees: 

  • Stress less. Stress causes your heart to speed up and your blood pressure rise, which can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. To combat work worries, intentionally build self-care into your day, whether it’s movement, better sleep, or connecting with friends. 

  • Snack well. Think fruit, nuts and low-fat popcorn rather than vending machine offerings like chips and soda. 

  • Use your benefits. Does your employer offer an employee assistance program? (If they’re a client of Cascade Health EAP, they do!) Make use of biometric screening, an on-site clinic, discounted gym memberships, or even just the annual physical or wellness visit included in your health care coverage. 

  • Move! Walking is the easiest way to exercise during the workday. Take a lunchtime walk with co-workers or park farther from the office building to get in some extra steps. Build moments of movement into your day, whether it's stretching at your desk or taking stairs instead of the elevator. 

Interested in finding out more about Cascade Health’s workplace wellness programs? Click here or call 541-228-3100. 


Healing, Treating, Preventing


Occupational Therapy Month: A Time to Thank